Save 10% on ALL drop shipped mugs throughout June

Warmer weather, longer days and chirpier birds. Isn’t summer great?
The heat doesn’t stop us clicking the kettle on for a cheeky afternoon brew though does it? And we’re willing to bet it’s the same for your customers.
Whether it’s the subtle blend of aromatic teas that brew a hearty English Breakfast Tea or earthy aroma and silky, full-bodied taste of a strong coffee, everyone has their Achilles. Actually it’s probably just the caffeine.
Regardless, we’re giving all of our drop shipping customers a tasty 10% off each and every 11oz ceramic mug ordered on demand throughout June.
It's perfect for anyone looking to start selling mugs online, or for those who want to expand their range but haven't found the right time to do it. We'll give you 10% off any mug you order with us, printed and shipped straight to your customer. But you'll need to get your mug designs ready to sell.
So it’s time to get creative, drop shipper: get your mug designs prepped and ready for printing. And we thought we’d put together a little guide to help you make the most of our offer throughout June.
Templates & Product Mocks For 11oz Ceramic Mugs
Templates are easy for printing mugs.
Our maximum size for a 11oz ceramic mug is 19cm x 10cm for a full bleed print or 19 cm x 9cm for a standard print, so it’s really simple to create a template for print in any graphic design program.
If you’re working in Adobe Illustrator, go to File > New… then enter your document name, the sizes required and finally select landscape and click OK. This will create an artboard with the perfect dimensions for your print.
For Adobe Photoshop it’s just as easy. Click File > New… then enter your name, width and height. Change the width and height units to Centimeters and the resolution to 300 Pixels/Inch. The Colour mode should be RGB since our software automatically converts your designs to CYMK colour values. Click OK and you’ll be ready to go.
Product mocks are... actually just as easy.
Once you’ve got your design ready, you’re going to want to show your customers what it looks like fully printed. Gone are the days when product images were photos of printed products – just mock up the product instead.
It won’t cost you anything either. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite, and free, product mock templates for mugs:
- PSD MockUp from Graphic Burger
- PSD MockUp from Behance
- Coffee Mug MockUp from Graphicsoulz on Dribble
Each of these looks a little different and works a little different, but they’re all high quality, relatively simple to use and, of course, free.
Or you could simply hire a professional.
Sometimes there’s too much to do with not enough time to actually do it, especially if you're a new start-up without the design capabailites of your competition. Great management comes from learning to delegate, so if you’re struggling with creating some truly striking mug designs and mockups then pass the work on to a graphic designer.
We’ve been printing for longer than we can remember, and we’ve picked up on where to find some of the most creative designers around, so here’s a little help:
- Dribble has a fantastic service to help you find the perfect graphic designer for you by location, skill, availability and other factors. You can see a designers name, location and portfolio before even getting in contact. And they’re all pretty awesome at what they do.
- Fiverr is a site where you can employ anyone to do anything. For only a fiver. It’s genius, and for a quick response, turnaround and satisfaction it’s a site you shouldn’t overlook.
- GrapicRiver offers thousands of designs for as little as $1. It’s cheap, instant and there’s loads of high quality designs that will work wonderfully with your brand. Be warned though: anyone can use it, so you might end up selling the same product as someone else.
And now you’re ready to start selling mugs in June!
If you have any questions about our 10% off drop shipped 11oz ceramic mugs offer during June then we’re right here waiting to answer them.
You can click the let’s talk button below to start Live Chat, send us an email, fill in our contact form or call the office on 01254 777070 and one of the Inkthreadable team will be more than happy to help.